During a campaign stop in Michigan Monday evening, a completely serious Donald Trump told a crowd that one reason he doesn’t want Hillary Clinton to win the election is because she would be a terrible role model for his 10-year-old son, Barron.

Amazingly, the crowd did not erupt up laughter and lightning did not strike the GOP nominee when he declared:

“You know, I have a son named Barron, and I wanna tell you: She is a terrible example for my son and for the children in this country. That, I can tell you.”

Later in his speech, the highly litigious Trump added:

“If Hillary is elected, she would be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just — hey, this is just what we need. Just what we need. And let me tell you, folks, let me tell you the way life is: They just found the 650,000 emails. One email — one email being classified or confidential — one, out of 650,000 — I guarantee you there are many. Many of the emails that were missing are in there.”

For a man so obsessed with his rival’s emails, it seems more than a bit odd that Trump didn’t bother to comment on a report from Newsweek which alleges that he and his businesses have destroyed thousands of emails and other documents in defiance of court orders over the past decades because they didn’t want them to become evidence in court cases against Trump and his business interests.

It should also be noted that Trump says Clinton would be a bad example for his son, and yet the real estate developer is facing multiple accusations of raping underage girls. One of those cases will begin in December, shortly after the election. How would it look if the man just elected as leader of the free world is on trial for being a child rapist? Is this the kind of thing Daddy Trump teaches little Barron? Is the child being raised to believe that women are merely sex objects who serve no other purpose than pleasing the perverted desires of wealthy assholes like his father?

I have a daughter, Mr. Trump, and she is also 10. And I would much rather she emulate and look up to Hillary Clinton than you. You, sir, are an insult to the human race, and you deserve all the opprobrium the world has to offer. Shame on you!

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