Trump Campaign Manager Tells MSNBC She Won’t Speak On The Record–‘Call Me Later’ (VIDEO)

Kellyanne Conway, the campaign manager for Donald Trump, appeared on the MSNBC show Morning Joe Thursday morning, and when asked about why her candidate called out NBC News reporter Katy Tur during a rally in Florida yesterday, said she could not discuss the issue on the record.

Conway cryptically commented:

“He obviously didn’t mean it in any malicious way. I have spoken to NBC News about that issue. And I’ll leave it there.”

Panelist Willie Geist asked:

“Could you shed any light on it?”

To that, Conway replied:

“No. Sorry.”

That led co-host Mika Brzezinski to exclaim:


Bizarrely, Conway pointed to Brzezinski and told her:

“You can call me later.”

Once again, Geist attempted to get some clarification from Conway:

“What’s– why can’t we talk about it on TV?”


“Willie, people are so tired of being told what to think, how to act, what to do.”


“How does that connect with Katy Tur, though?”

That only made Conway get more mysterious:

“It connects with the media generally…

“This is not about Katy. I’m extrapolating on one of his major compelling and successful messaging points throughout this whole campaign which is don’t let the establishment define you and tell you.”

As if sensing that he was getting nowhere, Geist inquired of Conway if she thought Trump had been wrong to attack Tur. Conway told him:

“I prefer when he talks about institutions generally. I had an exchange with Katy last night, I’ve been in touch with NBC News.”

Is it just me, or does it seem that the entire Trump campaign operation is getting stranger and less rational by the minute as the race for the White House enters its final days? By the time November 8 arrives, they may all be communicating in Morse code.

Featured Image Via MSNBC Screengrab