Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton has a new ad aimed at undecided female voters, which Republican Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway has said is “sad.” It features footage straight from the mouth of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump about women, including:

“A person who is flat chested is very hard to be a 10.”

Kellyanne Conway Calls Clinton ‘Joyless’

Despite the video ad being a collection of statements coming from Trump himself, Conway says it lacks anything the voters should listen to.

Conway has said that Trump focuses on the issues while Clinton does nothing but attack him.

The facts say otherwise though. Take this tweet from last year:

Trump campaign
Image By Michael Vadon Via Wikimedia Commons/CC-SA-4.0

Clinton’s poll numbers dropped after FBI director James Comey, who has a history of favoring republican candidates, released a statement last week about finding more of her emails on a private server that wasn’t her own.

Up until then, several polls indicated Trump had virtually no shot of winning. Now there’s speculation that Comey waited until the final days of the election to give Trump a clear shot of the White House.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Respect Women

The ad simply features Trump giving his views on women, including interviews and a snippet from the infamous tape from 2005. The one in which he proudly said he could sexually assault women.

Last year, shortly before he officially announced his candidacy, Trump quoted and quickly deleted this tweet from one of his supporters:

Image Source: Screenshot from The Daily Caller

Trump is no stranger to Twitter, and his tweets further hit home his objectification of women.



Trump’s campaign recently came out with its own ad against Clinton:

It references the latest probe into her emails found while investigating ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner‘s own scandalous fiasco; having an inappropriate relationship with a 15-year-old.

But Trump has ties with Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious pedophile who has paid for sex with minors. There’s even a looming child-rape case against Trump for which he will be in court in December.

Watch Clinton’s latest campaign ad here:

Featured Image: Screenshot via YouTube Video.