Global Response To Trump: WTF Were You Thinking, America? (IMAGES/TWEETS)

World newspaper headlines came rolling in yesterday, and the response from the globe is the same as mine: WTF, America?

World Recoils In Horror

The president of the United States is the most powerful position in the world. What we do here affects not only us, but our neighbors around the globe.

Which is why it’s not all that surprising that the world newspaper headlines are saying what many of us are saying after Tuesday night.

They can’t believe this is happening, either.

Le Journal de Québec had this to offer:

world newspaper headlines
Screenshot from ThinkProgress via Newseum

That pretty much sums up my feelings on Tuesday night.

Another Canadian publication, Toronto Metro had this to say:

“The racist, hate-filled angry mewling underbelly of American politics has been given voice. And now, it has been given a home in the Oval Office.”

And the Toronto Star could only ask, desperately, “Oh America, What Have You Done?”

world newspaper headlines
Screenshot from ThinkProgress

Newspapers in India had mixed reactions. Several factions there are delighted with a Trump victory.

But not all.

Praveen Swami, writing for The Indian Express, said:

“Today, 11/9 will prove a day of greater historic import than its better-known palindrome, 9/11: today, the United States, architect of the liberal world order built after the great war of 1939-1945, has voted for a man who stands for its dismemberment.”

And the home page for wondered how coverage might be different if America was a third world country electing a tyrannical despot.

world newspaper headlines
Screenshot from ThinkProgress

Of Course, Not Everyone Recoiled In Horror

Surprise, surprise – the Russian government was pretty darn thrilled when they heard the news.

The Moscow Times reported:

“… News that Republican billionaire Donald Trump would become next U.S. president was greeted by thunderous applause in Russia’s State Duma …”

We really shouldn’t be all that surprised.

Featured Image via screenshot from ThinkProgress

Carrie is a progressive mom and wife living in the upper Midwest.