There is so much hate circling this country right now, and unfortunately, it is not a new occurrence for the United States. Sadly, the influx in hate crimes is a direct result of disgusting bigoted, racist, sexist, and homophobic rhetoric displayed by our new President-elect Donald Trump and his administration, who are getting ready to take the White House from our beloved President Obama.

However, the silver lining that has gotten me through the last couple of weeks is the fact that our First Family is still occupying the White House and First Lady Michelle Obama is still pushing for change.

Through the years Mrs. Obama has been graceful, strong, and proud as she took on the position as the first Black First Lady in history and fought for the rights of Americans and their children.

Unfortunately, while many Americans are shocked by the outpouring of hate across our country, Mrs. Obama is no stranger to it and has been publicly ridiculed and harassed by many private and public citizens her entire stay in the White House. And though they have attacked her for everything from her clothes to her color, policy was never something they could argue with, unless you’re Sarah Palin and you “want more dessert.”

Here are the top ten racist or sexist comments made about Michelle Obama while she served our country as our First Lady.

1.‘Needs To Drop A Few’

“How well could she be eating? She needs to drop a few.”

Fox News Host, Keith Ablow took a jab at Michelle Obama’s figure when discussing her campaign aimed at fighting childhood obesity. Ablow is no stranger to dangerous sexist rhetoric and has been known to make unsupported remarks about the LGBT community.

2.‘Feminist Nightmare’

“How Michelle Obama Became A Feminist Nightmare,” is the title of an op-ed article by journalist Michelle Cottle with Politico. The article focuses on Obamas time as First Lady, and her self-proclaimed title of “Mom-In-Chief,” which brought tremendous flack from the feminist community.

3.‘Michelle Obama Is A Man’

“I really think — her daughters don’t look like her — I really think this is some weird hoax they did again, just like he didn’t get sworn in on the Bible, it was the Quran. All this weirdness, I mean, I used to laugh at this stuff, but man, it’s all about rubbing our noses in it. I think it’s all an arranged marriage; it’s all completely fake and it’s this big sick joke because he’s obsessed with transgender, just like some weird cult or something. I think Michelle Obama is a man. I really do. I really do. I believe it.”

Donald Trump ally Alex Jones, and his ridiculous conspiracy theories have been insulting since day one of President Obamas eight-year term. From the Obama’s being shape-shifting reptilians to sexist commentary about Obamas “obsession with the transgender community,” Jones has managed to offend everyone down to the lizards living in your backyard.

4.‘Ape In Heels’

“It will be so refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady back in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a [sic] Ape in heels.”

Pamela Ramsey Taylor, the director of Clay County Development Corporation, in Clay, WV, promptly ended her credibility and probably career when she made the above statement after Donald Trump won the election. She feels Melania and her “alleged” prostitute past will be a more classy option for the Oval Office.

5.‘Poor Gorilla’

“This poor Gorilla. How is she going to function in the real world, by not having her luxurious vacations paid for anymore? She needs to focus on getting a total makeover (especially the hair), instead of planning vacations!”

Sadly this comment came from Jane Wood Allen, a woman who previously taught children in Georgia. Allen was later fired for her comments, and hopefully, we can scratch one more racist, breathing hatred at our kids, off the list.

6.’An Atrocity’

“What we have right now is an atrocity! She makes a fool of herself—every time she comes on TV, I have to turn it off. Laura Bush was so classy, and that’s what we really need again.”

During a rally for husband Rand Paul, Kelly Paul spoke to supporters about her dislike for Michelle Obama, attacking her class instead of policies, which seems to be a common thread among the Obama haters.

7.’Push Ups’

“She doesn’t look or act. I mean, can you imagine you know, Kennedys or the Bushes or anybody doing pushups on the floor? I mean you know. That’s just not a first lady.”

NPR reporter, Ari Shapiro interviewed Bobbie Lussier, a Virginia voter, at a Romney event in Springfield, VA where she told him exactly how much she thought Mrs.Obama was inappropriate, especially with her push-ups.

8.’Gorilla Face’

“Gorilla face Michelle, can’t disagree with that. The woman is not attractive except to monkey man Barack. Check out them ears. LOL.”

Patrick Rushing, the Mayor of a small Washington town, was asked for resignation after making racist comments about President Obama and his wife. Rushing refuses to step down and blames the comments on “playful banter,” not racism.

9.’She Wore A Sweater’

“You don’t…go to Buckingham Palace in a sweater.”

In an interview with Woman’s Wear Daily, Oscar de la Renta decided that Michelle Obama needed to embrace fashion a little bit more seriously and put her down for wearing a sweater instead of a designer dress when she met the Queen of England. Do we not have more pressing issues than what designer Mrs. Obama chooses to wear?

10.’Obama’s Baby Mama’

In an incredibly racist, sexist, and disrespectful manner, Fox News was caught calling Michelle Obama the President’s “baby mama.” The station’s Senior Vice President told  Politico that:

“A producer on the program exercised poor judgment in using this chyron during the segment.”


As we move from a historical era with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama and into what is building up to be a new wave in American History that includes racism, sexism, homophobia, and horrible hate crimes, we can only give thanks to Mrs. Obama for remaining a vision of class, strength, and peace in the face of adversity. This country has shown that the ideals of the last hundred years haven’t moved past the ability to see through color, sex, and orientation.

Our hope for the future may seem grim, but as we reluctantly welcome in the Trump regime, we can keep the First Lady and President Obama in our minds as hope for our future.

Featured Image Via The Source