There are certain lines that you shouldn’t cross when on live television. One of those lines is using the N-Word. (You know the one, that all-powerful racial slur.) Unfortunately, that is exactly what American Author Charles Kaiser has done.

The irony is that he did it in an interview where he was trying to point out that President-elect Donald Trump is a racist.

In his defense he was using the word as a quote attributed to Steve Bannon. He was using it to make the point that the people that Trump has appointed to positions of power are racist.

It would appear though that this was a double clanger by Kaiser as he misattributed the quote. Oops. As the host of the show goes on to point out there is no record of Steve Bannon ever using that word.

Kaiser later apologized for the mistake via the Washington Post. This is what he had to say:

I do apologize for one thing in particular. I mistook Bannon for Sessions. I was mistaking the one for the other.”

He later stated on CCN:

I apologize to all those who were offended by my use of the word. But there is also a part of me that believes that you cannot convey the true horror of these early Trump appointments without using the actual words attributed to them.”

It would be interesting to know the views of the Liberal America readership. Do you feel it is appropriate to use that word if you are quoting somebody? Or is it a word that shouldn’t be uttered under any circumstances?

The host of the show Brooke Baldwin clearly is of the opinion that it shouldn’t be used in any context.

She immediately criticized Kaiser before saying this at the end of the segment:

The more I’ve sat here and listened to the fact that somebody used the N-word on this show—it is not okay.


Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.