A newly discovered newspaper clipping from 1934 shows a disturbing comparison between Adolf Hitler and President-elect Donald Trump:
“Adolf hitler, out of prison, took advantage of the groans. He told people that he would make Germany ‘great’ again.”
Pandering to the Racists
In the same speech in which he announced he was running for president, Trump called Mexicans “rapists and murderers.” He also fueled Islamophobia by promising to stop anymore Muslims from entering the United States and supported a tracking system for ones already here.
Hitler blamed Germany’s economic problems on the Jewish and started out by saying:
“If I am ever really in power, the destruction of the Jews will be my first and most important job.”
After being elected president of Germany in 1933, Hitler spent the next 12 years killing millions of Jews during the Holocaust.
Angry Americans
Despite President Barack Obama digging us out of a recession, millions of Americans are upset with the current economy. They say they feel neglected and are eager to bring in an outsider like Trump, who has never before held a political office.
Trump has repeatedly fed their animosity by blaming it on the outsourcing of jobs, despite doing that with his own brand.

Hitler became the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, better known as the Nazi Party.
According to the 1934 article:
“He blamed Jews, Socialists, Communists and others for the troubles of the land. His blazing speeches gained followers for his ’cause’.”
A Movement
With so many current politicians against Trump becoming president, including many Republicans and top economists, he reached out to the people by saying it was ‘A Movement.’
In a speech he gave in Nashville this past August, Trump said:
“This is a movement. I don’t want it to be about me. This is about common sense. It’s about doing the right thing.”
Watch this video to see the similarities between Trump’s movement and Hitler’s cause:
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