Dr. Michelle Herren is an anesthesiologist who works at Denver Health. She is also a very angry and hateful person who decided to go on Facebook and post racist statements about First Lady Michelle Obama.

Herren saw another posting on social media about Mrs. Obama’s eloquence which also referred to the First Lady having been educated at Princeton and Harvard. In response, the doctor wrote:

“Doesn’t seem to be speaking too eloquently here, thank god we can’t hear her! Harvard??? That’s a place for ‘entitled’ folks said all the liberals!”

In another comment, Herren added:

“Monkey face and poor ebonic English!!! There! I feel better and am still not racist!!! Just calling it like it is!”

Another person on Facebook, JoAnn Nieto, said Herren’s comments incensed her:

“It really outraged me to see that she works at Denver Health, which serves a huge minority population.”

And as for Dr. Herren insisting that she isn’t racist? Nieto replied to that specious argument:

“Hiding behind the excuse that you’re not racist, doesn’t negate the fact that you are being racist.”

Herren is also on the faculty at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. A statement was released by the school which reads:

“John J. Reilly, Jr., MD, dean of the School of Medicine, has communicated directly with Dr. Herren regarding her statements posted on Facebook. He reminded Dr. Herren, who is an employee of Denver Health, of her responsibilities as a faculty member to conduct herself with civility. The School of Medicine is reviewing the details of this matter and will ensure that its students and trainees and the patients who are served by our faculty are not exposed to unacceptable behavior.”

Kelli Christensen, a spokesperson for the hospital, had this to say about Herren’s offensive postings:

“Until further notice, Michelle Herren, MD, will not be seeing patients or providing anesthesia services at Denver Health.”

Maybe Dr. Herren would like to be an advisor to Donald Trump or Steve Bannon. Sounds like she shares their racist worldview.

Featured Image Via Denver 7 News