The usage of the term ‘alt-right’ has come under fire lately. Many progressives argue that it is just a euphemism for white supremacy. But a recent bit of news suggests that maybe members of the alt-right Nazi movement aren’t just bigots. In fact, they might be complete idiots as well.

The NAACP Stands For What?!

Preston Wiginton sounds like a name from a satirical comedy making fun of dorky white people. But that’s actually the name of a Texas-based alt-right Nazi organizer in his early fifties. And he has invited Richard Spencer—the Trump-supporting racist who coined the term ‘alt-right’ — to speak on campus at Texas A&M University.

Naturally, this has created quite an uproar. Spencer, after all, is the same scumbag who shouted “Hail Trump!” to a crowd that responded with the Nazi salute in Washington, D.C. But Wiginton insists that the whole thing is just about equality:

“If we want to have a white state, or a white community or a white homeland we should be able to have that. We respect that for all people. If we look at the NAACP, black people have the right to have that. Why can’t white people have a WAACP?”

First of all, it’s vile and reprehensible rhetoric. Calling for a “white homeland”—especially when it’s on land that was stolen from indigenous people—is just disgusting. But also, take a closer look at the letter Wiginton switched in his quote. What exactly does he think NAACP stands for?

Just in case any of our readers are unclear, it’s the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. That first word is ‘National’. Not whatever racial epithet or long outdated term for Black people Wiginton’s peanut-sized brain was imagining.

Of course, Twitter users wasted no time in calling him out on his small-minded idiocy:

Some people even pointed out that Wiginton inadvertently suggested a great idea, albeit not at all the one he intended.

And other responses were just plain silly…but no less hilarious for it.

How Did This Happen?

Humor aside, it’s important to note that Texas A&M University does not endorse Spencer or Wiginton. In fact, Amy B. Smith, senior vice president and chief marketing officer for the university, said:

“To be clear, Texas A&M University – including faculty, staff, students and/or student groups – did not invite this speaker to our campus nor do we endorse his rhetoric in any way. In fact, our leadership finds his views as expressed to date in direct conflict with our core values.”

Because they are a public university, however, anyone can use their space to host events. And it’s not the first time Wiginton has done so.

In addition to being a weightlifter who won the dubious award of “Strongest Skinhead” at a neo-Nazi event in Georgia, Wiginton is also an alumnus of Texas A&M University.  (Side note: I still cannot type this KKKlown’s name without laughing. Preston Wiginton? Seriously?!)

As recently as 2015, he hosted an event called “American Liberalism Must Be Destroyed” on Texas A&M campus. A whopping 17 people showed up. Let’s hope this one fails even more miserably.

Featured Image by Elvert Barnes via Flickr/CC BY 2.0