Projected President-elect Donald Trump (and I honestly feel like I should be using that title in quotes at this point) is freaking out over recounts in swing states. The recount effort — spearheaded by Green Party candidate Jill Stein (who finally did something right), paid for through crowdfunding, and now supported by former Secretary of State and should-be-President-elect Hillary Clinton — is already underway in Wisconsin. A hearing is scheduled Monday in Michigan regarding the recount effort there, and the Republican attorney general has sued to prevent it from happening. And today, Trump’s team is moving to stop the recount in Pennsylvania.
All of this, of course, begs the question: What is Trump so afraid of?
He Told Us It Was Rigged
Trump told us all before the election, over and over, that it was rigged. His “warnings” are now sounding like boasting.
His wins in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida (though no recount has been requested there) are absolute statistical anomalies.
He tweeted the other day that millions of “illegal” votes were cast. The same day, he tweeted that the recount was “sad.”
And he’s ALSO tweeting about “voter fraud” in states such as New Hampshire, California, and Virginia. If he truly believes that — and I don’t think he does — then why isn’t HE calling for a recount in those states?
Bill Palmer of the Palmer Report wrote:
“It is statistically suspicious that in every state where Donald Trump pulled off an upset, he won it by right around one percent, just what he needed to win it, no more and no less. Results don’t naturally play out that way. The final tallies in Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan read like someone went through and nudged each of them just over the mark so Trump would win them, but didn’t want to arouse too much suspicion by giving him any larger of a victory in those states than he needed.”
Like I said, Trump told us it was rigged.
Michigan’s Attorney General Says Stein Cannot Seek Recount
U.S. News and World Report wrote:
“Attorney General Bill Schuette, like the Trump campaign, argued that Stein cannot seek the ‘frivolous’ recount because she was not ‘aggrieved’ to the point at which a potential miscounting of votes could have cost her the election.”
The board of elections panel deadlocked on Friday, meaning that a recount will begin by Wednesday unless the courts side with Schuette. Additionally, Stein filed the lawsuit on behalf of Clinton, not her own campaign.
Of course, Michigan isn’t the only state in which the vote is being questioned.
Governor Scott Walker (R-Wis.) said that:
“…He’s open to changing the state’s election laws to prevent minor candidates from being allowed to request recounts.”
Trump beat Clinton in Wisconsin by about 22,000 votes of 6.8 million votes cast – less than one percent.
Trump beat Clinton in Michigan by about 10,700 votes of 4.8 million votes cast – 0.2 percent.
And, in Pennsylvania, the latest figures show Trump beating Clinton by about 46,000 votes, which is about 0.8 percent.
Pre-election polls in every single one of those states favored Clinton. Can one or two polls be wrong? Absolutely.
However, as Bill Palmer wrote:
“…Historically speaking, going back through the eighty years in which presidential polling has been conducted, it’s virtually impossible for the polling averages to have been this thoroughly wrong. In fact the last time they got a Presidential general election wrong outside the margin of error was in 1948 – and polling was unsophisticated crap back then.”
Trump told us it was rigged.
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