Lexi Magnusson, 34, who lives just outside of Seattle, Washington put up an impressive light display after her neighbors expressed homophobic opinions. She posted her handiwork on Reddit:

Our new neighbors are bigots. Since regular aggression leads to assault charges, I went with passive aggression. 10,000 lights later: from pics

In the comments, she said:

“Our new neighbors are bigots. Since regular aggression leads to assault charges, I went with passive aggression. 10,000 lights later.”

Magnusson described the situation with the new neighbor:

“She’s Mormon and heard that we were, too. My guess is that she thought we were still believers, even though my husband told her we no longer attend. I imagine she thought we still held the same belief about LGBTQ issues as the Church does. We absolutely do not. It’s why I left the Mormon church.”

Apparently, the neighbor moved to Washington to “protect her children” from a school that allowed a lesbian couple to go to the prom together.

Oh, the horror!

The school also had an assembly where the students learned about transgender people and inclusion. The neighbor wanted to get her children away from people who were making those “lifestyles” seem OK.

Magnusson replied to her with:

“Your kids are going to be exposed to this no matter where you take them. Kids these days get it. They know not to be horrible to other kids based on how they were born. Then I walked inside [my house] and rage-ate a bowl of nachos.”

Magnusson knew that she wouldn’t change the neighbors’ mind, but at least the bigots won’t be bugging her anymore. She had this to say about her neighbor’s bigoted views:

“Here’s the thing: I was a fully believing Mormon once. I know where she is coming from. If I had yelled at her it would only feed into her persecution complex and false belief that LGBT people and their allies, along with people who have left the Mormon church, are angry bullies who are not tolerant of other people’s views.

“I hate that whole line of reasoning – but I knew that if she was willing to move her kids to get away from the gays (She moved to Washington. It’s basically North Oregon.) there would be little I could say to her to change her mind. She would have been right though, I am not tolerant of that “point of view.”

Here is a video of the White House from the night that the gay marriage ruling came down:


Featured image By MrsRoseyCrotch Via Reddit.