Ice-T Is Trolling The Sh*t Out Of Trump On Twitter, And It’s EPIC! (TWEETS)

Rapper and actor Ice-T is one of the most well-known figures in the entertainment industry. He’s a music legend and has been a star on the hit NBC series Law and Order SVU for years. He is also a proud progressive who does not care for Donald Trump. Which makes what happened to him the other day all the more odd. As T noted on Twitter:

A few minutes later, Ice-T had suggestion for the Trump inaugural committee when it comes to entertainers:

But the Trump trolling was far from over with, and this was soon posted by the star:

And then fans of Ice-T got involved and began heaping the abuse on the President-elect with suggestions for the rapper if he reconsiders and accepts the invitation:

Or perhaps change “Cop Killer” to something more fitting, another person noted:

There’s a very genuine reason why T might want to appear and bring some friends:

Or there’s the old gag routine:

Perhaps the Trump team called the wrong musical artist:

But perhaps the best response came from someone with an eye on the news:

From what we’ve been hearing, Trump may be lucky if the Duck Dynasty clan shows up and plays their duck calls for him. No doubt he’d love that since the man clearly has bad taste in nearly everything.

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