Politicians and political commentators – including President Barack Obama – have argued that for left-leaning politics to prosper, Millennials must be mobilized. Now, a group of Millennials is heeding the call and organizing to oppose incoming President-elect Donald Trump.
Millennials for Revolution intends to open a “movement house” in Washington, D.C. where activists and “troublemakers” can congregate. The idea of a movement house hearkens back to the civil rights movement, when movement houses provided a base for activists to plan and organize.
They’ve named the house District 13, an homage to The Hunger Games series of novels and movies. In The Hunger Games universe, District 13 is the zone from which rebels opposed to the tyrannical government plan their attack.
Led primarily by women of color who supported Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) during the recent Democratic primary, the organizers are veterans of progressive and left-leaning groups, including 350.org, Democratic Socialists of America, and OUR Walmart.
Moumita Ahmed, founder of Millennials for Revolution (formerly Millennials for Bernie), explained the need for District 13 House in a recent interview with the Guardian:
“Ultimately it’s to make sure we hold him accountable. Because his presidency is not normal at all. It’s our duty to make sure he doesn’t succeed. If he succeeds it’s a message that everything he stood for is OK. That it’s OK to get to power in the way that he did, and hurt all the people he’s hurt.”
Another District 13 House organizer, Erika Peralta, worked for the civil rights organization Color of Change. Peralta will be one the more permanent residents at the house, and live there for the first three months of the Trump Administration. She explained:
“The aim is to be a focal point and a nexus for activists and progressive people across the country, to provide them resources and aid and our networks to stop any hatred that may come from the White House or to stand up against it.”
The group hopes to raise $30,000 – enough to fund the group for one year. You can donate to the District 13 House and learn more about their goals here.
Check out the video below to find out more about the project:
Featured image via YouTube video.