President-elect Donald Trump is a narcissistic, misogynist bully whose drug addiction isn’t going away anytime soon. And what is his drug of choice? Attention.

Referencing his need to always be in the spotlight, political commentator Nicole Wallace didn’t mince words when she said:

“I don’t think Trump needs the press but he wants it like an addict craves their drug.”

With over 18 million followers on Twitter who eagerly await his early morning tweet storms, Trump certainly has plenty of attention. The media has a field day with his fascist messages and his supporters have his back each time.

He knows what he’s doing.

The ex-Bush staffer also pointed out his blatant misogyny, saying:

“We have just elected a man who bullies female reporters at his rally as an applause line.”

She was referencing an incident involving NBC News correspondent Katy Tur. Trump threw her under the bus by suggesting media bias against him during the campaign. His complaint was that camera angles didn’t allow for a full view of his supporters.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. Numerous images and videos clearly show his racist, sexist, and hateful fascists at his rallies.

The people in the crowd then began to boo at her. You can watch the uncomfortable ordeal here.

Wallace continued by referencing Trump’s nasty history with Fox News host Megyn Kelly, saying:

“We have just elected a man who started a hot war with a female anchor instead of attending a debate she moderated.”

Confronting him about his own sexist words towards women at a debate, Kelly said:

“You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.”

He later retaliated with the now infamous line of:

“There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

Trump has been obsessed with social media for quite some time. He gained supporters by tapping into racists looking for any reason to impeach President Barack Obama, even though Obama will be remembered as one of the greatest American presidents of all time.

He’s also never held back when talking about how women should always be attractive, despite him looking like a giant orange with possibly the worst hair in history.

Trump’s obsession with being popular will be the bane of our existence for the next four years. Even after winning, he hasn’t shied away from social media and attacking anyone who disagrees with him.

Watch this video of Wallace calling Trump an ’embarrassment.’

Feature Image: Screenshot Via Twitter