We are all sad to see President Barack Obama go. He has been working hard to secure his legacy in every way he can. One task you might not think of is answering the letters people write to the president.

A group of volunteers, former interns, and other staffers are working hard to answer the letters sent to the president, especially those that came from children.

Fiona Reeves, director of presidential correspondence, said:

“We have had a big uptick in kids writing to the president after the election, often in the vein of farewell letters, or reflective letters. Or for older kids, ‘I’ve grown up with you.'”

Obama and this team may continue to answer letters even after he leaves the White House.

Reeves said:

“We are hustling … but I think we will actually end up packing up some of the letters that we haven’t read through with the president, and he’ll maintain a small team to work through his correspondence.”

Obama usually picks 10 letters that reach him per day to read and respond to. Some of the responses get put up on the White House blog.

How Do Letters Reach The President?

The White House has protocols surrounding writing letters to the president. You can use the contact form on the White House website to write to the president. You can send him snail mail, but emails are faster. Also, proofread your letter just like you would any other important correspondence.

WriteObama.com said this about writing to the president:

“The best way to make sure your voice is heard when you write a letter to President Obama is to simply tell your story in your own words about the issues that are affecting you. When politicians are surrounded by other politicians around the clock, it’s easy to lose sight of how the average American thinks and feels about the policies that affect his or her daily life, and your letter offers valuable insight that can help change these policies.”

I actually just sent Obama a message myself; we’ll see if I get a response back.

Featured image by summonedbyfells via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.