The inauguration of Donald Trump is destined to go down in American history as a very dark day, and one young man decided he would let everyone know exactly how he feels about the incoming head of state.

On Thursday evening, protests sprang up outside some of the inauguration celebrations, including one dubbed the “Deploraball,” which was held outside the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Protesters started a fire and burned Trump campaign signs to express their disgust that a pathological liar who like to sexually assault women was on the verge of being President of the United States.

Fox News was there to cover the protest, and reporter Griff Jenkins asked the young boy a question:

“You were participating in the fire — what’s your name?”

The proud young man replied:

“My name’s Connor and I actually kinda started this fire.”

Jenkins then called the boy Carter and asked him why in the world he would start a fire. The kid’s reply is pure gold, and should be on the lips of every progressive for the next four years:

“It’s Connor. I felt like it and screw our president.”

Exactly! Screw Trump, his puppet master Putin, the entire corrupt Trump campaign operation, his out of touch billionaire cabinet picks, and the entire Republican Party. Screw them all!

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