The school administrators in a town in Maryland told the schools to remove some pro-diversity posters because they are “too political” and “anti-Trump.” I guess that’s what happens when we elect a racist.

The posters in question were made using pictures of students of color and some Muslim students as well. They were made to look similar to the “Hope” posters of former President Barack Obama’s campaigns. Here are some examples of the posters:

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Here is the original Obama poster:

The school administration let them put the posters up temporarily, but they did some investigation on the origins of the posters. The school determined that they were political and asked them to be removed.

Steven Johnson, the county’s assistant superintendent, said this about them:

“The Confederate flag in and of itself has no image of slavery or hatred or oppression, but it’s symbolic of that. These posters have absolutely no mention of Trump or any other political issue ― it’s the symbolism of what they were representing. They were carried in these protests.”

Sarah Wack, a 2012 graduate of Westminster High, has organized a campaign to have the posters printed on t-shirts. All of the students plan to wear them on March 1.

Delaney McKelvie, a high school senior, said:

“I’m wearing the shirt to school to stand by those affected by the posters being taken down. I also hope to get the message across that promoting diversity should be commonplace.”

President Donald Trump has said that he promotes diversity, but check out his cabinet picks:

Press Secretary Sean Spicer said this about Trump’s cabinet choices:

“I think you have to look at the totality of diversity which exists within this Cabinet. There are so many ways in which to express this. Both in terms of gender and background, race, ideology. He continues to put together an amazingly diverse cabinet.”

Being pro-diversity is not “anti-Trump.” That should be a view for everyone to hold.

Featured image via Twitter.