We are living in very disturbing times it seems — another day, another hate crime.
On Monday 6th March someone in a truck drove past the Dennis R. Neil Equality Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma and fired thirteen shots into the center. No one was hurt but the attack was captured on security footage.
Geoffrey Brewster of Oklahomans for Equality commented that he felt:
“…sickened, yet not surprised, by the bullet holes.
We are keenly aware after an event such as this, or the Pulse Night Club shooting in Orlando, FL, that sexual orientation and gender identity are not protected classes in current hate crime legislation.
Even though hatred of difference is the motivation for such acts, our community is not equally protected under the law. This must change, and we call on our community and our allies to demand it.”
It is difficult to imagine being so filled with hate that violence becomes a reality. How has society come to this?
The current political climate is a disturbing one. On top of this violent physical attack, the center also suffered another incident this week. Toby Jenkins, the executive director of the center told of another anti-gay encounter. While it was less violent, it is still shocking. A man apparently walked right into the center. He claimed to be a veteran and said:
“I wish you would all die… (I) fought for your rights,”
and then said he wished he hadn’t.
Jenkins said:
“It was so brazen, I thought it was a joke, I didn’t know him, but then I realized he was serious.”
What has the world become? It seems more and more unhinged people are coming out of the woodwork. As a nation we must to stand up to bullying, we must stand for equality, and we must ensure that everyone, including LGBT communities feel safe and protected.
Featured image via YouTube.