For awhile, former Tea Party congressman Joe Walsh was a rare voice of sanity on the right. Walsh, who parlayed his single term in Congress into a nationally-syndicated talk show, made no bones about his support for Donald Trump. He even went as far as to call for an armed revolt if Trump lost to Hillary Clinton. But he was one of the few prominent Trump supporters to unequivocally condemn the release of the Comey letter. He was also one of the few Trump diehards who called for Trump to get his head out of the sand about Russia’s attempt to influence the election.
On Thursday, Walsh revealed that, like most tea partiers, is a stopped clock. On March 2, several Sandy Hook survivors are trying to revive their lawsuit against Remington, the maker of the assault rifle that killed their children.
When Walsh learned about it a week later, he crassly tweeted this.
They resurrect their failed lawsuit against Remington.
I'll just say it: Sandy Hook Parents: Your 15 minutes is up.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) March 9, 2017
Whatever you may think about the merits of the lawsuit, crassly knocking the parents of murdered kids is way below the belt, even by tea party standards. Over the last few days, Walsh has gotten a heavy dose of Twitter justice.
Their. Kids. Are. Dead. 15 minutes? Get some therapy, jerk. This isn't a game for some people.
— Eric Wittmershaus (@wittmershaus) March 11, 2017
You are a jerk of the highest order of magnitude.
— Stuart Hazeldine (@stuarthazeldine) March 11, 2017
.@WalshFreedom disgraceful comment. No parent should have to endure such a tragedy.
— Karl McDonnell (@Karl_McDonnell) March 10, 2017
And yet you try to get another few minutes of fame by piggybacking on their tragedy. Even Ann Coulter would be ashamed.
— Rick G. Rosner (@dumbassgenius) March 11, 2017
It's "Your 15 minutes ARE up." How sad that bad grammar distracts from your cruel & despicable opinion.
— Rick G. Rosner (@dumbassgenius) March 11, 2017
so would this guy just shrink into background if his child was killed at Sandy Hook? What an idiot, seriously
— Ray Ferraro (@rayferrarotsn) March 11, 2017
That's why we voted you out in Illinois – see ya!
— Patrick K. ???? (@PatrickJ1111) March 11, 2017
What type of person ridicules people whose children were murdered?
— Emily Norton (@_EmilyNorton) March 11, 2017
We already knew Walsh’s moral compass was virtually nonexistent. But this is a new low. Surely Walsh would feel differently if he had his child cut to pieces by an assault rifle-wielding maniac.
So far, Walsh has remained silent on the matter since his explosive tweet. No word on whether his syndicator, Salem Communications–a supposedly Christian company–has taken action. That’s beyond shameful.
Walsh is free to question the merits of the case. But to do so in such a crass manner is unacceptable. There’s only one thing we need to hear from him about this–a full apology. If Walsh has the guts to call out the Comey letter and Trump’s blind spot on the Russian hacking, this shouldn’t be too much for him.
(featured image courtesy Walsh’s Facebook)