Be Afraid.

Wow. Republicans are hell bent on scaring Americans to pieces. The guy in the White House keeps warning us that dangerous brown people are pouring over the Mexican border to get us. He reminds us every chance he gets that scary Syrian babies and their grandparents are coming to blow us up.

Be More Afraid

Now we have idiot Senator James Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, scaring us all about those wicked magicians in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This guy has made a name for himself by steadfastly denying that climate change is real. He insists it’s all a hoax. You know, all those independent scientists from around the world, all conspiring to play a big trick on us.

Two years ago he stood on the Senate floor with a snowball in his hand. At the time, he was chairman of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee. That means that he was supposed to be an expert on the environment. And yet. He brought a snowball to the Senate to show that it was cold outside.

To his limited way of thinking, this meant that climate change can’t be real. Seriously. He was confusing weather and climate.

He’s delusional, obviously.

That Scary EPA

Now Inhofe’s craziness has risen to a whole new level.

This elected official is claiming that the EPA has been brainwashing our children. He told CNN that the EPA was feeding us all propaganda. He said:

“We want to deliver the services. We ought to make things clean. But we ought to take all this stuff that comes out of the EPA that’s brainwashing our kids, that is propaganda, things that aren’t true, allegations.” 

So, it seems that the Senator is so completely convinced that the idea of global warming is a “hoax” that he thinks EPA efforts to reduce carbon emissions are designed to “brainwash” the innocent children of the United States.


One has to wonder how a man who clearly lacks a brain of his own can recognize an effort to influence the brains of others.

This is plain old nuts.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.