Immigration officials have turned into predators and one judge has had enough of it.

Tani Cantilever-Sakauye, Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, learned of some aggressive behavior happening outside of courthouses. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers have been making arrests outside of them across the country ever since President Donald Trump took office back in January.

Once they find out that an undocumented worker is due in court for a case, such as being a witness to a crime, they make their move.

According to a policy on their website, ICE is encouraged to stay away from “sensitive areas.” This includes places where people might be grieving, such as churches or hospitals. It doesn’t even mention courthouses, which is an easy win for an ICE official. Someone who shows up for an order of protection could be whisked away in handcuffs.

Which is exactly what happened.

Stop Stalking

Last month in Texas, ICE officials arrested a woman outside of an El Paso courthouse. While she was getting an order of protection against an alleged abuser, she was handcuffed for being undocumented.

That type of behavior is likely to prevent other undocumented workers from going to court. As Cantilever-Sakauye points out, most of them aren’t even a threat to society.

She recently wrote to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly about all of these arrests, saying:

“Enforcement policies that include stalking courthouses and arresting undocumented immigrants, the vast majority of whom pose no risk to public safety, are neither safe nor fair. They not only compromise our core value of fairness but they undermine the judiciary’s ability to provide equal justice. I respectfully request that you refrain from this sort of enforcement in California’s courthouses.” 

Welcome to Trump’s America.

Watch this video about the abused woman in El Paso who ended up being deported.

Featured Image via Hollywood Health & Society