Senators across America vowed to listen to their constituents before voting on the new healthcare bill, which thankfully didn’t pass because House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) pulled it before the scheduled vote Friday. One woman grew tired of not getting a response from her senator.

So she confronted him on a plane.

Kendall Brown of Oklahoma has an incurable genetic disease and relies on the Affordable Healthcare Act. Concerned about its repeal and replacement with the cringeworthy, laughable Trumpcare plan, she contacted her senator numerous times.

Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) received tweets, letters and emails from her. Even after acknowledging that it’s his job to “listen to all voices,” he didn’t reply to a single piece of her correspondence. He’s also never held a town hall meeting and doesn’t have regular office hours.

Good luck to the people he supposedly represents who want to get a hold of him.

Brown got tired of never hearing back from him. So she called him out on Twitter.

Despite her telling the world that her senator didn’t seem to care about his constituents, he still didn’t reply. Imagine her luck when she later saw him on the same plane as her. 

People on social media encouraged her to speak now or forever hold her peace. So she kept on tweeting him. 

Brown ended up writing him a congenial, heartfelt letter begging him to discuss the new bill and how it’ll affect her. It sort of worked.

Lankford approached her and she handed him the note, to which he wanted to know “specifically” what her question was. She simply said that she wanted him to hear her voice and to maybe meet up sometime. The woman with a lot of medical debt even offered to buy him a cup of coffee.

His response:

“Well, you’ll probably get a letter in the mail soon.”

He chose to reply to her tweet instead, where everyone could see that he apparently does care despite his actions.

While on the one hand it’s great that she got to finally talk to him, keep in mind that he didn’t reply until she took to social media. A bad reputation can put a real kink in your chances of getting reelected. If he wants a chance at being reelected, perhaps it’s time he at least adds some regular office hours. Maybe even have a town hall meeting or two.

Trumpcare didn’t pass and that’s a big win. Keep resisting and contact your representatives on a daily basis, especially on social media. The whole world is watching.

Watch this video for more information about the confrontation.

Feature Image Source: Screenshot Via Twitter