There has been much speculation since the 2016 election about Hillary Clinton’s next steps. Will she speak out against the Trump Administration’s destructive policies? She warned us plenty while on the campaign trail. Will she decide to run for an office again? Supporters want to see her push on and do something great.

The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Sidewire’s Jonathan Allen have written a new book titled “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign.” It was recorded on the night of the election that Chief Strategist, Jake Sullivan, pressed her saying:

Everything you said, we’re going to do in the speech.”

 “But you have been saying for many months that he’s temperamentally unfit and that he would be dangerous, and if you meant it, you should say it.”

“And you made a case that all these people’s rights and safety are in danger— if you meant that, you should say it.”  

Clinton Foundation
Photo by Gage Skidmore via / (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Clinton responded that it was not her job to do that. She said:

“Other people will criticize him. That’s their job. I have done it. I just lost, and that is that.”

 “That was my last race.”

Her comments may come off as bitter, angry, or maybe indifferent, but understandably so. As all the election results finally came in, we realized that Clinton did more than just win the popular vote. She won it by 2.9 million votes! The American people spoke and clearly wanted her to be our president, and she wanted the job.

A few days after the election, she also admitted:

“This is painful and it will be for a long time.” 

Clinton has encouraged everyone to get involved in our democracy and have a voice about what matters. At least for now, she has indicated that she will be more involved with The Clinton Foundation and her speaking engagements. She also wants to focus on spending time with her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, and enjoy her two young grandchildren.

I don’t think she is gone, and I predict that she will use her strengths and expertise to help young women to rise in important positions in our government, and make our country a much better place.

Enjoy this video of Clinton’s story:

How we imagine Clinton would react if asked about Donald Trump’s accomplishments so far:

Clinton Foundation
Image from

Featured image from Gage Skidmore on Flickr available under an Attribution-ShareAlike license.