Call the Wambulance! Screaming, crying conspiracy-theorist Alex Jones has asked for a “safe space.” He is going through a custody battle for his children and he has asked the media to be respectful during this time.

He said:

“I urge the press to be respectful and responsible and to show due to deference to the process of the law and respect boundaries defined for this case so that a fair result can be found. Above all, this is a private matter.”

“This is about my family and only my family. I have endeavored very faithfully for three years to keep this circumstance confidential for the sake of my children to protect their innocence.”

Yes, your kids may be innocent, Alex, but what about the 20 kids who died at Sandy Hook? Jones has repeatedly said that the school shooting was a hoax and calls himself a Sandy Hook “truther.” Jones believes that Sandy Hook was a hoax manufactured to get Americans to support gun control. After Donald Trump won the presidency, the principal’s daughter, Erica Smegielski, slammed Trump for his ties to Jones and his ridiculousness.

Image via Twitter.

Here are some of the crazy conspiracy theories that Jones has spouted on his show, Infowars:

1. Satanists Are Taking Over America

He once said this about Lady Gaga:

“She wears meat suits and does all these rituals… and the organizers of the Super Bowl are deciding to defile America and break our will by having us bow down to this. They say she’s going to stand on top of the stadium, ruling over everyone with drones everywhere, surveilling everyone in a big swarm. To just condition them to say, ‘I am the goddess of Satan,’ ruling over them with the rise of the robots in a ritual of lesser magic.”

2. The Government Controls The Weather

Yep, he believes that the government is weaponizing the weather. He thinks the Air Force is behind a flood he witnessed in Texas. He says it’s something that they add to the jet fuel to create tornadoes.

3. Millions Voted Illegally In The Election

Jones has also spread the theory that millions of people voted illegally in the election, and that’s why Trump lost the popular vote. These claims were debunked.

Here is Smegielski’s speech at the Democratic National Convention:

Featured image via Twitter.