Another Terror Attack May Be Imminent

British Prime Minister Theresa May has raised Great Britain’s terror threat level to CRITICAL and has begun deploying military personnel to patrol the streets, calling this a “proportionate and sensible response” to the suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester concert venue last night.

This is the complete statement from PM May:

“We again discussed the callous and cowardly terrorist attack in Manchester last night and the operational response from the security service, the police and other emergency services. It remains the case that other than the terrorist himself, 22 people were killed in the attack, 59 people remain injured and many of them have life-threatening conditions.

“As Greater Manchester Police confirmed earlier today, the perpetrator was Salman Ramadan Abedi, who was born and brought up in Britain and as the emergency services confirmed throughout the day, his victims were innocent children, young people and their families – our thoughts and prayers are with them all.

“I want to re-iterate what I said this morning about the professionalism of the emergency services and the bravery of the people in Manchester. Through their actions, they proved that cowardice will always be defeated by bravery, that evil can be overcome by good and that our values, the liberal, pluralistic values of Britain, will always prevail over the hateful ideology of the terrorists.”

“The work undertaken throughout the day has revealed that it is a possibility we cannot ignore that there is a wider group of individuals linked to this attack. This morning I said that the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, the independent organisation responsible for setting the threat level on the basis of the intelligence available, was keeping the threat level under constant review. It has now concluded, on the basis of today’s investigations, that the threat level should be increased for the time being from severe to critical. This means that their assessment is not only that an attack remains highly likely, but that a further attack may be imminent.”

Military Being Deployed On The Streets Of Britain

This is the third time that Great Britain has deemed it necessary to raise the terrorism threat level to critical.

Soldiers are being deployed to assist armed police, and also to allow the officers and detectives to follow up any leads that the concert bomber, Salman Abedi, 22, was not acting alone, but may have been part of a larger cell that might have further attacks planned.

Chief Constable Hopkins of the Manchester Police asserted:

The priority remains to establish whether he was acting alone or as part of a network.”

ISIS Has Claimed Responsibility For The Manchester Terror Attack

ISIS has been linked to this horrendous crime, which has resulted in at least 22 dead, including children, with many more injured.

Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.