In case you were wondering whether or not rape culture exists, check out this case. A 20-year-old man in California, Nolan Bruder, drugged and raped his 16-year-old sister. Judge William H. Follett gave a few days active time and some probation to this disgusting rapist. The judge said he believed that the “stigma” of the conviction was punishment enough.

Outraged, the District Attorney said:

“I could not disagree more.  The message that this sends to our community is that sexual predators who get their juvenile siblings stoned enough can have sex with them without any meaningful consequence. That is not the message I want to send to our community.”

He added:

“In a lot of ways, this case is more egregious than Brock Turner. This defendant took advantage of a position of trust as this victim’s big brother. He knew she didn’t want to have sex with him. She told him that repeatedly. So he got her stoned on dabs he gave her until she didn’t even recognize him in order get what he wanted.”

Bruder gave his sister “dabs,” or a very potent type of marijuana, before raping her. The accusations said he:

“… Gave his 16-year-old sister high potency marijuana also known as ‘dabs’ to smoke after she repeatedly resisted his sexual advances, until she reached the point of no longer recognizing him as her brother.”

Bruder also filled his Facebook page with poems about the devil. One of them said:

“Cut my throat and leave me for dead, the ghosts inside me are what all dread… Hehe the devil whispers his words onto my lips. And I curse the people who talk sh*t from the safety of their home ship.”

His Facebook page said that he used to work at a Christian boarding school. He should have gotten many years of jail time.

Watch this video of Brock Turner, who had to register as a sex offender after the judge gave him a slap on the wrist for rape (after the jump):

Featured image via Twitter.