As part of Pride month, the gym brand Equinox, has made a video expanding the acronym LGBTQ into the entire alphabet. However it has left one group feeling quite excluded. The clever video is visually appealing and explores 26 words corresponding to the alphabet that help to explain issues related to the LGBTQ community. There was one group that did not get a mention in this alphabet and it was the first letter of the alphabet. Can you guess? Asexuals missed out, as the Equinox video chose to use the word Ally for A instead.

The video was a collaboration between Equinox and the New York LGBTQ Community Center. It features beautiful costumes and words of affirmation and acceptance for the LGBTQ community, as well as being a voice for those within the community. No doubt asexuals were not left out on purpose and an ‘ally’ is also an important word in this realm too, as it encompasses all those who are for equal rights among this community.

It takes more than just a minority to stand up for minority rights. For marriage equality to break through, it took families and friends of LGBTQ to realize that this was a civil rights issue. When Obama called gay people his ‘brothers and sisters’ this broke down boundaries and stigma that was previously there. These words from an ally showed courage and made real change in this country. He proved to be a real ally by doing this and will be remembered for this push for equality.

The whole gist of the video is to say identity and sexuality is both a natural and personal thing. This community still faces discrimination everyday, however this clip is a celebration of Pride and is about being true to oneself.

It is about knowing exactly who you are and having the freedom to own that identity. The video does this in an empowering and dignified way. A is for Ally (and asexual), B is for Bisexual, C is for Coming out. If you want to know the rest of the A-Z of LGBTQ – check it out.



Featured image via YouTube.