Usually, we have to wait until a presidency is over before we get a presidential library. The Daily Show has already built one for President Donald Trump, but it is a unique one. It is a Twitter library located in New York City, across from Trump Tower.

The Daily Show host Trevor Noah was asked why they are doing this now. He said:

“Yes, that’s true. Unfortunately, we do not know when his term will end. It could be next week, it could be never. So we decided to do it now.”

Noah also added:

“He may not be good at president-ing, or leading, or geopolitics, but he is a damn fine Twitterer.”

“… It’s about giving context to the tweets. Not absorbing them one bite at a time, but rather looking at them as a body of work.”

There is even a mock Oval Office where you can sit on a golden toilet and tweet like Donald Trump, complete with monogrammed bathrobe.

The library has even extended its hours today due to popular demand.

Here are some images from inside the exhibit:

There is a wall of “verified survivors,” which is people who Trump has attacked on Twitter. Luckily, they all lived to tell the tale:

His most well-known tweets have their own wall:

And one of the more important exhibits, the live tweet alarm that lights up and sounds off each time Trump tweets:

Here is a look inside of this three-day only exhibit (after the jump):

Featured image via Twitter.