The presidency has not been kind to Donald Trump, and a lot of that’s his own damn fault. Consider:
- Trump is under multiple investigations for possibly cooperating with Russian agents so he could win the 2016 election.
- On Thursday, members of his own party expressed their displeasure with two tweets he sent regarding MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski.
- The president’s approval rating remains mired at anywhere from 35-40 percent.
What else could possibly go wrong? Based on a report from InStyle magazine, First Lady Melania Trump may be ready to part ways with the Donald.
The InStyle article, which focuses on Mika Brzezinski, begins with the MSNBC host saying that Trump’s attack on her is part of a larger problem the president has with women:
“This is a sign of a much bigger problem for our country than anything about me. In our own way, we could reveal what he is, and I think it is a disturbing reality.
“I think [Trump]’s got a real problem with women, and that this presidency is a setback,. Women in the administration need to step up and tell him that they will not stand for the way he is treating women. I think that also applies to men in the administration.”
But when the subject turned to First Lady Melania Trump, Brzezinski made a bold and potentially life-changing prediction for the Trumps:
“I haven’t talked to her in months, but if my gut is right, I don’t think she’s going to put up with it much longer. I know nothing. That’s just my instinct and I go with my gut and my gut’s always right. I’m just telling you, Melania’s got the worst job in the country and I don’t think she wants do it a lot longer. I think she will do it for as long as she has to for her son, and that’s it.”
No one would blame Melania Trump if she did cut this overgrown child loose. Other than the green card she copped when she married him, what exactly has she gotten out of the marriage?
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