Donald Trump Has Made Conspiracy Theories Great Again (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump’s political career began with conspiracy theories. He started the “birther movement,” which started the idea that former President Barack Obama wasn’t born in this country.

The idea had been bubbling up on the far right since Obama won the first time. However, Trump really stirred the pot on that one.

That isn’t his only conspiracy theory about President Obama. Trump also believes that Obama’s real birth name was Barry Soetero, and that he changed it along the way. However, Soetero is the name of his mother’s second husband, who she married four years after Obama was born.

Trump loves to raise suspicions about assassinations. Just a few days after Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, Trump said:

“Well I just heard today, just a little while ago actually, I just landed and I’m hearing it’s a big topic, the question, and it’s a horrible topic but they say they found the pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow.”

He preached several conspiracy theories during his candidacy for president. He said that Muslims celebrated 9/11. He said that Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.

On the subject of refugees, he said that Syrian refugees aren’t vetted. He said that most Syrian refugees are young men. He also said that Christians refugees aren’t being allowed into the country. Trump said:

“Muslims can come in but other people can’t. Christians can’t come into this country but Muslims can. What’s that all about? What is that all about? Something has got to be coming down from the top. When I heard that, I couldn’t believe it. And that is one of the top people in the world on immigration having to do with this country. Muslims can come in but Christians can’t, and the Muslims aren’t in danger and the Christians are.”

These aren’t the only conspiracy theories Donald Trump has touted. Let’s look at one of his tweets from last weekend.

This is implying that NBC and Comcast have some kind of “Trump hate” going on and they were forcing Greta to take part. This is referring of course to Greta Van Susteren parting ways with MSNBC. Van Susteren never mentioned anything about being pressured to be more anti-Trump.

He pretty much turns everything into a conspiracy theory. He was the conspiracy theory candidate, now he is a conspiracy theory president.

Here is a compilation of Trump talking about the birther movement (after the tweet:

Featured image via Twitter.

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