The writers over at Slate have come up with a hilarious way to track President Donald Trump’s idiocy: a presidential Impeach-O-Meter! As the name suggests, they analyze the latest Trump scandals, lies, and antics, then assign a percentage of likelihood that he will be impeached before his term ends, or resign under threat of it.
While they call it a “wildly subjective and speculative daily estimate” and thus far from a legal certainty, they do take into account all the Trump scandals. And because of all the shenanigans from the president, his family, and the White House staff in general they always have something to talk about.
Eventually, the Impeach-O-Meter’s author Ben Mathis-Lilley noted that with each day the percentage was creeping ever higher with little mitigating factors. So to help himself out, yesterday’s edition said:
“I can’t keep raising the likelihood of Trump’s impeachment every time some piece of damaging news about his campaign’s conduct and/or dishonesty comes out, because pretty soon the meter would be at like 700 percent. So, in the spirit of Zeno’s Paradox, I am declaring a semi-arbitrary rule that the meter can’t go over 60 until 1) rank-and-file Republican politicians start admitting that the Trump campaign may have engaged in collusion or 2) any official investigative body (special counsel, congressional committees) issues a report that says as much. Until that point, each scandalous news item will only get us halfway there.”
Well, it only took a day to get there! This week it came out that Donald Trump, Jr. met with a Russian government attorney who promised information that “would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.” That doesn’t look good for that no-collusion claim, but it also means that Jr. probably violated United States federal law. Double oops.
So the Impeach-O-Meter lasted at under 50% for less than a day. Nice try, Ben.

Featured image from via YouTube video.