During his wide-ranging (and at times bizarre) interview with the New York Times this week, President Trump suggested that young people can buy health insurance for a mere $12 year:
“You are basically saying from the moment the insurance, you’re 21 years old, you start working and you’re paying $12 a year for insurance, and by the time you’re 70, you get a nice plan.”
People immediately began asking: Where did Trump get the idea that health insurance only costs a dollar a month at any age?
Philip Bump of the Washington Post wrote that he’s convinced the president confused health insurance with life insurance, which is often less expensive when a person is younger, with the premiums–and benefits–increasing with age, i.e. a whole life policy.
But Christopher Long, a Kentucky-based data scientist, has another theory, and considering how fond Trump is of watching Fox News, it makes a great deal of sense.
Long is convinced that Trump saw a commercial on Fox News for Gerber baby life insurance:
Why does Trump think health insurance costs $12/year? Because Gerber advertises life insurance for babies on Fox News for about that price.
— Christopher D. Long (@octonion) July 22, 2017
Human life means so little to Trump he can't even be bothered to spend seconds to understand critical things on the crudest, simplest level.
— Christopher D. Long (@octonion) July 22, 2017
We’ve all seen the commercial Long is referring to. Gerber sells life insurance that costs $1 a week, which would work out to $52 per year. The plan offers children $10,000 in insurance protection, which doubles to $20,000 when the child turns 18. And the ad also tells parents and grandparents that the plan “builds cash value over time that you can borrow from later.” That could be where the intellectually lazy Trump got the idea that “by the time you’re 70, you get a nice plan.”
While Trump tries to blame Democrats and anyone else he can think of for the failure of the GOP healthcare bill, his own ignorance of the issue is also a stumbling block. As with most issues, Trump talks a good game, but his utter lack of comprehension doesn’t serve him or the country well.
Here’s the Gerber Life commercial:
Featured Image Via the Independent.uk