With the possible exception of Sean Hannity, no member of the media is more eager to perpetually kiss President Trump’s fat ass than Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, who appeared on a New York radio station over the weekend so he could hawk his newest book. Dobbs had this to say about the Russia investigation:

“This is the biggest mess that we’ve ever seen.”

And it’s a self-inflicted mess, too. Lou forgot to mention that part. He was far too busy trying to shift the blame to the Clintons:

“Everywhere there is evidence of collusion between Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, former President Bill Clinton and the Russians.”

But they aren’t in the White House, Lou. And if Trump is so damn innocent, shouldn’t he and all of his supporters welcome a thorough investigation that will clear the president? Sounds like they know there’s some fire amidst all of the smoke.

Overall, Dobbs gave Trump an A+ rating for his first six months in office, and the perpetually vain head of state responded with this:

The president got plenty of resistance for his posting:

When Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity are your most ardent defenders, you know your days in office are numbered.

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