It’s been amply established that diehard supporters of Donald Trump live in an alternative universe. In this world, even when there is no doubt something happened, there is still room for doubt about whether the event even occurred. Remember, according to a recent poll by Public Policy Polling, only 45 percent of Trump voters believed Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer in hopes of getting “opposition research” about Hillary Clinton. Never mind that Donald Jr. admitted taking and attending the meeting.

Well, we recently learned something else about this universe that is even more alarming. Apparently when a prominent right-wing hero is exposed as a pervert, Satan is behind the campaign to turn the hot lights on the pervert. That’s about the only thing you can take from a religious right leader’s breathtaking claim that the sexual harassment scandal at Fox News is nothing more than a demonic trick.

We’ve come to know Lance Wallnau primarily for two things. He is one of the leading minds behind the New Apostolic Reformation, the overtly fascist offshoot of the religious right that believes it can bring about the Second Coming by taking over the world.

Wallnau is also one of the religious right’s loudest cheerleaders for Trump. As far as he’s concerned, Trump’s polling numbers have cratered in part due to liberals releasing curses against him, as well as the media using witchcraft on the American people. He believes there’s no other explanation for why anyone would stand against Trump–after all, resisting Trump is the same thing as resisting God himself in his book.

But as outrageous as these and other moments were, they pale in comparison to something Wallnau spewed on Facebook and on Periscope in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch got a clip.

Wallnau told his viewers that he’s been stewing for some time about the revelations about the harassment culture at the fair and balanced network. However, by early Tuesday morning, it had progressed to the point that he felt compelled to speak out lest he have “a meltdown right there on the air” because “I am so flippin’ mad!”

So he was about to put partisanship aside and call for those who harassed women at Fox News, as well as those who covered it up, to be held to account, right? Nope, far from it. He claimed that Fox News founder and pervert-in-chief Roger Ailes had been killed by liberals, with an assist from the devil, after Ailes’ critics “disgraced him with sexual harassment allegations.”

Wallnau made it clear he was outraged at the outrage over the stomach-churning anecdotes of harassment against Ailes that ultimately led Fox News to give him a resign-or-be-fired ultimatum last July. He thought everyone acted like the same thing didn’t happen at the other networks, since they operate in a “secular liberal perversion zone.” After all, he said, it seems that “there’s not one sexual practice they’re not advocating for and trying to make a civil right out of.” But if you believe Wallnau’s narrative, those same people ganged up on “poor little Roger Ailes” and drove him out of the network he founded.

For good measure, Wallnau claimed that when Ailes fell down and bled to death in May, it was brought on by “stress and spiritual warfare.” But he believes that the fall wasn’t what really killed Ailes.

“But I’ll tell you, it was liberals who killed him. Not the floor. It’s spirits and curses and demons.”

Wallnau then said–with a straight face–that Ailes was anointed, just like Trump was anointed. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the devil came after Ailes, since “the devil hates anyone with an anointing.” As evidence, he cited longtime Fox News commentator Eric Bolling, who was suspended last weekend amid allegations that he sent lewd pictures and made lewd comments to female colleagues. Wallnau claimed that Bolling was the latest victim of a liberal “assassination squad” out for “scalps.”

Supposedly, these “stinkin’ demons,” working in cahoots with liberals “who just work to dig up dirt,” turned their guns on Bolling after getting rid of Ailes and Bill O’Reilly and targeting Sean Hannity. Was it because they harassed and degraded women? No, no. According to Wallnau, it’s part of a playbook drafted by the right’s favorite bogeyman, Saul Alinsky–“catch any sin” and throw it back at them, then add a heavy dose of ridicule.

I’ve seen and heard some pretty outrageous and degrading things from fundies in my time. But without a doubt, this is the most outrageous and degrading thing I’ve ever heard from a religious right leader. And that includes the lunacy I saw during my college days, when I was almost turned into a Christianist myself.

Riddle me this, Lance. Are you willing to tell Gretchen Carlson, Andrea Tantaros, Megyn Kelly, and the dozens of other women who were harassed over the years by Ailes that they were motivated to come forward by the devil?  Are you willing to tell Caroline Heldman that when Bolling called her “Dr. McHottie” on-air, she only got upset about it because of demonic influence? And if you are willing to tell Carlson, Tantaros, Kelly, Heldman, and others that they’re being played by the devil, are you willing to do so to their faces? Unless you are willing to do so, sir, here’s a little piece of advice–JUST SHUT UP!

We’ve all been wondering for some time how the religious right didn’t throw Trump overboard when the Access Hollywood tapes came out. Well, now we may have at least part of our answer. If we’re to believe Wallnau, the whole thing was just another trick ginned up by liberals influenced by Alinsky.

On one level, we should have seen this coming from Wallnau. After all, he actually claimed that Milo Yiannopoulos was a victim. But it’s one thing to claim that a notorious troll and pedophilia apologist is a victim. It’s quite another to claim that exposing sexual harassment is a Satanic plot–and in so doing, spit in the faces of those who have come forward.

You may recall that on Sunday, Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz mused that we should take the claims of Bolling’s accusers with a grain of salt because they hadn’t come forward. Well, degrading claptrap like this is exactly why victims don’t come forward. It’s very likely that someone who has endured or is enduring sexual harassment may have thought twice about coming forward after hearing this rant from Wallnau.

The mere thought that perverts and sleazeballs could continue to harass women just because Wallnau may have effectively scared them into silence is too damn obscene for words. Do you want to live with that responsibility, Lance? Mark my words–we will make sure that you do.

Wallnau began his rant by saying that he was well aware that the liberal media would have a field day with his rant. Well, Lance, you deserve it. After all, you have effectively declared that you are standing with the harassers, not the victims. And it’s even more outrageous coming from you, a supposed minister of the Gospel. You should be giving words of comfort to victims of sexual assault, not effectively kicking them in the teeth. Until you realize this, Lance, I repeat–JUST SHUT UP! Help deliver that message to Wallnau on Facebook and on Twitter.

(featured image courtesy Wallnau’s Facebook)