A day after a mass shooting in Las Vegas took the lives of 59 people and left over 500 injured, President Trump made brief remarks before he left for Puerto Rico, and what he had to say was not only tone-deaf, it was downright insensitive.
Preparing to board Marine One with First Lady Melania Trump, Trump had this to say about the horror in Nevada:
“Look, we had a tragedy. What happened is in many ways a miracle. The police department has done an incredible job.”
59 deaths is a miracle? What’s so damn miraculous about it?
Asked about possible gun control legislation, Trump commented:
“And we’ll be talking about gun laws as time goes by.”
In other words, Trump has no plans for any kind of new gun laws or restrictions.
The president also noted that the Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, was mentally disturbed:
“He was a sick man, a demented man. A lot of problems, I guess. We’re looking into him very seriously.”
One thing we can count on from both Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress when it comes to the massacre in Las Vegas: They’ll say lots of pious words about how we all need to pray, but at the end of the day they won’t do a damn thing to make semi-automatic weapons more difficult to acquire. And so one day soon we’ll all wake up to yet another incident of this type and the fake concern of Republicans will be trotted out again as they continue to take their blood money from the merchants of death at the NRA.
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