If you thought the malignant Trump spawn Donald Junior and Eric couldn’t possibly be more disgusting and racist, their latest business venture proves that they’ve managed to find a new low, even for them.
According to the The Washington Post, the two Trump sons are investing in luxury resorts on the Mississippi Delta. The Post reports the Trump Organization will be reopening two Comfort Inns and Rodeway Inns, but will bring them up to “Trump standards.” The Post also notes:
“It is nearly unheard of for a national hotel company to debut hotel lines in one of America’s poorest corners, surrounded by cotton and soybean fields and lacking a commercial airport or even an easily accessed interstate.”
Then again, no one ever accused the Trumps of being any good at business. Donald Sr. has seen numerous casinos go bankrupt over the decades, even though casinos are among the most profitable ventures anyone can invest in.
The new hotels are also guaranteed to be additionally offensive as they will be designed as “antebellum plantations” such as were seen in the Old South during slavery. Plans are to locate the lodging near the town of Cleveland, Mississippi, a town 12,000 people with, the majority of whom are African-American.
Word of the new development has not been well-received in the area. Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), said:
“It shows he really doesn’t have a conscience. It’s about money.”
The state of Mississippi has been desperate to attract tourists to the area, and is marketing the Delta as the birthplace of the blues.
But the path forward could be rocky, with many residents saying they don’t want the Trump Organization in their neighborhood. And potential investors could be scared away by the fact that African-Americans won’t go near the hotels if they’re built. Rep. Thompson said he thinks the Trumps don’t fully understand the level of dislike of all things Trump among blacks in Mississippi and across the country:
“I think if the Trumps’ bottom-line profits for a hotel in the Mississippi Delta are predicated on black people coming and spending money, I think they are in serious trouble.”
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