Most would think the following question has an obvious answer: “Who would you rather have in power: an alleged serial pedophile or a democrat?”

A new Washington Post poll shows that residents of Alabama are having trouble answering that very question. You can view the results below:

The poll talked to 739 likely Alabama voters in the upcoming Alabama Senate election, and gave Democrat Doug Jones a narrow lead over Republican Roy Moore, 50-47. However, the poll has 4.5-point margin of error, meaning this election is still well within Moore’s reach. Normally, a Democrat leading a Republican in a deep red state like Alabama would be a huge shock.

Roy Moore, however, is not your traditional Republican. He has been accused by multiple women of sexual misconduct, including one who says Moore made sexual advances on her when she was fourteen years old.

The results of the poll speak for themselves: Jones has overwhelming support from Democrats and black voters, while Moore leads in Republican voters, and both white men and white women. Even more shocking is the 59-point lead Moore (again, an alleged serial pedophile) carries with white evangelicals.

Moore’s campaign is full of evangelical Christianity. He has repeatedly attempted to champion himself as a leader of the Christian movement. He also has a fan in a different alleged serial sexual assaulter:

President Donald Trump has avoided directly campaigning for Moore, but he has tweeted support for him and is holding a rally in Pensacola, Florida on December 8. The rally is located just twenty miles from the Florida-Alabama border. Many prominent Republican officials, such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, have went on the record suggesting that Moore should drop out of the Senate race. That seems increasingly unlikely.

Watch MSNBC’s report on Trump’s Pensacola rally below:

Featured image via YouTube screen capture.