The recent candidacy of Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race returned the issue of pedophilia to the forefront of the national debate. Moore, you may recall, was accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl when he was in his thirties.
Now, however, a member of the Trump family is connected to the controversial subject, with Donald Trump Jr. liking a tweet from well-known conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich:
In the op-ed Cernovich links to in his 2014 tweet, Rutgers School of Law assistant professor Margo Kaplan argues that pedophilia is a mental disorder and should be dealt with via prevention instead of through legal means such as incarceration. Kaplan even cites research which shows:
“About half of all child molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims.”
While we can debate the merits of treatment versus imprisonment, should the son of the president be advocating such a controversial stance on something that causes harm to children across the country?
Perhaps Cernovich and Don Jr. were trying to take a shot at the Times for publishing the editorial, but if so, why didn’t they make any comment along with the link to the article?
Much like his father, Junior really needs to stay off Twitter. The good news for all of us is that neither of them will have access to social media where they’re going: Prison.
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