For much of Christmas Eve night, the tubes were abuzz about another case of Donald Trump peddling alternative facts on Twitter. He claimed–once again–that he has ended Barack Obama’s eight-year war on Christmas. Never mind that there is ample video evidence of Barack and Michelle saying “Merry Christmas.”

But believe it or not, that wasn’t the most unhinged thing Trump did on Twitter on Christmas Eve. Not by a longshot. That happened earlier in the day. Sometime after 7:30 on Sunday morning, Trump was checking out the replies to his latest message touting this year’s stock market performance. One of Trump’s followers, “@shawgerald4,” whose display name is “Oregon4TRUMP,” replied with a meme that he liked so much that he retweeted it to the world.

If you look really close, you’ll see a blood splatter on the sole of Trump’s wingtip. On that splatter–the CNN logo. The message was obvious. The president of the United States was giving his tacit approval to violence against the media.

Just in case Trump deletes the retweet, here’s the evidence that he did indeed hit the retweet button.

Screenshot courtesy Trump's Twitter
Screenshot courtesy Trump’s Twitter

Apparently Trump forgets that when you are president, a retweet is an endorsement.

CNN’s Jake Tapper got the message loud and clear.

So did a number of other reporters and political pundits.

Former Trump adviser Jason Osborne thought Tapper was making a lot of fuss over nothing.

Tapper was having none of it.

It’s easy to understand why Tapper was incredulous. After all, this isn’t the first time Trump has done this. Remember, this summer he retweeted a GIF showing him bodyslamming CNN, and also retweeted a political cartoon showing him as a train running over CNN.

National security lawyer Bradley Moss was equally aghast.

Even some Republicans thought this was a bridge too far, like congressman-turned-talk show host Joe Walsh.

So did Bush 2004 strategist Matthew Dowd.

Dowd’s question is particularly apt. The religious right has tried to convince us that Trump is saved. But any talk about that should have been put to rest when Trump retweeted violent memes attacking CNN and Hillary Clinton. No one who really has Jesus in his heart would have hit the retweet button after seeing those images.

At best, this retweet shows Trump does not have the impulse control to be trusted around nuclear codes. At worst, it betrays a lack of respect for a free and critical press. In either case, this is yet more proof that this man is not fit to clean the White House, let alone serve in it.

(featured image courtesy @shawgerald4’s Twitter)