A Nazi is running for the House of Representatives.

In Tuesday’s Illinois primary, 70-year-old Arthur Jones, running unopposed, secured the Republican nomination to represent the Chicago-area’s third congressional district.

If he beats his democratic opponent, incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinski, in November, the state of Illinois will be sending to Congress a supposed former American Nazi Party and National Socialist White People’s Party member, a Holocaust denier, someone who argued the late Nobel Prize recipient and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel celebrated the rape of German women.

He stated Monday, “this stuff about being a Nazi” was “in the past.”

If that were true, though, he would probably not want his campaign website publishing a section titled “Holocaust?” that states:

“There is no proof such a so-called ‘Holocaust’ ever took place anywhere in Europe, against the Jews.” 

He would probably not want there to be another section titled “Hate Speech?” in which there are quotes suggesting racial and religious supremacy from past American presidents, Charles Lindbergh, and the Bible.

He would probably not want there to be on that website a slideshow of him speaking at white nationalist events.

The Illinois Republican Party denounces Jones, and is planning to back another candidate.  Chairman, Tim Schneider, states:

“The Illinois Republican Party and our country have no place for Nazis like Arthur Jones. We strongly oppose his racist views and his candidacy for any public office, including the 3rd Congressional District.”

According to Anti-Defamation League (ADL):

“While few believe Jones has any chance of winning the 3rd, where voters have elected a Democrat in 24 of the last 25 Congressional races, as a major-party candidate for a statewide seat, Jones will have a significant platform for his hateful views. The candidate’s website pairs ‘America First’ language with outright Holocaust denial, including a ‘Holocaust Racket’ diatribe that blames ‘Organized World Jewry’ for perpetrating ‘the biggest, blackest lie in history.’ Jones has called the Holocaust ‘nothing more than an international extortion racket by the Jews.'”

At a 2017 neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM) rally in Pikeville, Jones told the crowd:

“I don’t care about the blacks, I don’t care about the Mexicans…I care about you white people. This movement is about one thing only…the preservation of America as a white nation.”

In August 2015, at an NSM rally in Toledo, he spoke from the stage:

“When a National Socialist regime takes power, and it’s only a question of time, we will sweep the streets clear of all the criminals, the pimps, the whores, the drug dealers, the pornographers all will be swept up off the streets like the scum that they are. And the queers, you’re gonna go back in your closets. We stand for America. We stand for the white race. We stand for the Christian foundation to this country…We are going to smash the queer movement. We’re going to destroy the Zionist movement. We’re gonna crush the black criminal movement. And we’re gonna deport all these illegal aliens that are imported in here, taking away jobs from Americans. That’s what we’re going to do. That’s what this party is all about.”

Jones has run for the U.S. House before, as well as for Chicago alderman, mayor, and mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

While the National Republican Congressional Committee dismisses Jones, he received 13,158 votes in Cook County, more than 70 percent of 18,595 GOP primary ballots cast; 4,093 votes in Will County; 3,023 votes in Chicago; and 65 votes in DuPage County.

His platform is also practically an avatar of Donald Trump’s, promising to “put America first,” eliminate sanctuary cities, refuse “amnesty for illegal aliens,” repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”), and protect gun rights.

Image credit: grondamorin.com