It's hard to imagine a more heated and emotionally charged moment than seeing your child lying in the street struck by a moving vehicle. When?26-year-old Christopher Middleton ran outside his home to see his 4...
Pedestrians, and apparently chickens,?can be some of the most dangerous road hazards when driving. If you hit a pedestrian, regardless of where they are walking, it can mean huge fines, loss of driving privileges, and...
As a former University of Connecticut (UCONN) student, I am friends with many people who are former and current students at this esteemed University in Storrs, Connecticut. One day while I was on Facebook, I...
‘You Can Sell A Kilo Once. You Can Sell A Girl 20 Times A Night, 365 Nights’ – Slavery In America
Tiffany Willis Clark
Watching this TED Talk discussion about slavery in America was like taking a punch in the stomach. I had no idea human trafficking existed so blatantly here in our own backyard - or perhaps I...
Even though the state of Georgia was the first state -- in 1988 -- to pass a law prohibiting the execution of mentally disabled death row inmates, it's revisiting a requirement for defendants to prove...
"We can always hope, and in all things it is better than to despair."
The above quote comes courtesy of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the German novelist and poet (and at one point, Chief Minister of...
On October 12th, 2013 the Kansas City Star published an article by Dugan Arnett chronicling the troubling story of two young girls raped by four male students in the town of Maryville, Missouri. The tragic...
Okay, I think we can all agree that death is no laughing matter, and suicide even less so. We're all afraid of death as it is and suicide is what took the great Ernest Hemingway...
Drunk Frat Boy Says ‘If You Need A “Rape Bait” Advice Letter Forget College, Train For Prison’
Laurie Bertram Roberts
There is a true gem from the "what the entire F***" hall of fame of rape culture comes in the form of a letter about how to attract "rape bait," and posted on letter...
The death that was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner, yet there still seems to be no end in sight to the investigation why he was killed by police.
House Speaker Will Weatherford revealed Friday, in a Tampa Tribune editorial, that hearings on the Stand Your Ground law are slated to take place this Fall.
Take note Jay-Z, singer and entertainer Harry Belafonte isn't just gracing people with his presence. Belafonte, 86, is being their voice and advocate. He's railing against the "Stand Your Ground" law in the Florida State...
Not All Jury Sequesters Are The Same: Was The Zimmerman Trial Jury Truly ‘Impartial?’ (VIDEO)
Jason Carson Wilson
Not all jury sequestrations are the same. During the three-week Zimmerman trial, jurors enjoyed visits from friends and family, and various outings.
Huge demonstrations held nationwide following the infamous George Zimmerman trial verdict show that many Americans feel outraged over the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by the self-appointed and armed neighborhood watch vigilante, George Zimmerman. They...
Murder Trial For Men Accused of Torturing ‘Effeminate’ Teen To Death Delayed Until The End Of May (VIDEO)
Liberal America
In January of 2011, Raymond Buys, 15, began a three-month training course that was supposed to train him to be a game ranger. But that's not quite what happened.Buy's mother said she sent him to...