Welcome to the Liberal Conservative's look at the first ten amendment to the United States Constitution better known as the Bill of Rights.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the...
In what could possibly be the worst organizational PR campaign since Westboro Baptist Church began picketing funerals, a coalition of pro-gun groups are planning to turn the Sandy Hook Massacre into a "Guns Save Lives"...
We Americans love our college football. When you hear the words "Alabama" or "Texas" many people automatically think about crystal footballs, bowl games, and "bragging rights." But those rights don't come cheap. Americans also...
There have been a few events in U.S. history that have united most Americans -- on both sides of the political spectrum. One such recent event is the cringe-worthy (and worse) NSA (National Security Agency)...
If you walk up to a two-year-old toddler, snatch away a lollipop, and give the tike a swat for good measure, you'd be rightly thought a cretin, a slime ball, a jerk, and a prick....
Tennessee prides itself on being one of the most conservative states in the United States, a place where love of freedom and respect for the U.S. Constitution is held above all else.
In actual fact, the...
For decades, the wealthy have been cheating American taxpayers. Here are four ways rich people avoid paying taxes and keep getting away with it.
12 Facts about the Secret Court that most people do not know.
Obama is lined up with a host of unlikely allies when it comes to the National Security Agency (NSA), leaving many defenders of civil liberties up in arms.
The reasoning behind these abortion bills is not based on fact and has nothing to do with women's health.
On Sunday, the New York Times?published a report on FISA, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, that has proved to be a real eye-opener. So far, Americans have paid scant attention to FISA and its...