Tag: 2016 Election

Iran’s President Perfectly Trolls GOP Candidates, Says They Are A ‘Form...

Apparently we aren't the only people who find the 2016 GOP candidates for President to be a clown car, meant to be laughed at. In...
Bernie Sanders Doll

Seamstress Creates The Lil’ Bernie Sanders Doll And Goes Viral!

I'm the Bernie Sanders cheerleader here at Liberal America. I'm a collector of figures and dolls, primarily Barbie dolls, Pullip dolls, and I have...
francesca willis

A 5-Year-Old Shares Her Observations On The GOP Debate — PRICELESS!

A Daily Kos writer was brave enough to watch Wednesday's disastrous GOP debate with her 5-year-old daughter, and the little girl's reactions were spot-on...
bernie sanders daddy

Bernie Sanders Live-Tweeted The GOP Debate — And It Was As...

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders took to Twitter to absolutely SLAM the Republican butt-clowns during Wednesday night's debate. Below are the screenshots of...

AWKWARD! Donald Trump Tries To High-Five A Reluctant Ben Carson, Fails...

GOP candidates Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson have been at each others' throats in the last couple of weeks. At Wednesday's crazy debate,...
10 bill dollar

Who Does Jeb Bush Want On The $10 Bill? Margaret Thatcher

In perhaps one of the biggest WTF moments of Thursday's GOP presidential debate (there were so many to choose from), Jeb Bush said that...
vaccines donald trump

Ben Carson Schools A Red-Faced Donald Trump On Vaccines — And...

What a crazy night. The second GOP debate was even more entertaining than the first. There were soooooo many insanely stupid moments. As we...

Donald Trump Can Count on Tom Brady’s Vote

Donald Trump has got a new political supporter and friendly face in Tom Brady. The New England Patriots QB has given Donald Trump his full support...

Scott Walker Debated KKK Grand Dragon David Duke In 1992 And...

In 1992, a baby-faced 24-year-old Scott Walker -- who is now the governor of Wisconsin and a 2016 GOP presidential hopeful -- represented the Wisconsin...

Actress Emily Blunt Says She Kinda Regrets Becoming US Citizen After...

The Hollywood Reporter recently decided to ask several celebrities about politics and what they’d like to see, and who, if any celebrity, they’d like to...

Bobby Jindal Made A Video Insulting Donald Trump And It’s Hilarious

The hilarious war between Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Donald Trump continues to heat up -- and it's completely hilarious! Jindal is going after GOP...

Socialist Bernie Sanders Wants To Stop Prescription Drug Company Ripoffs

Bernie Sanders, in his role as an independent senator for Iowa, plans to introduce legislation allowing part of the Federal Government to negotiate drug...

Hillary Clinton Is Hiring Mudslingers To Keep Her Own Hands Clean

During a conference call on Thursday, campaign chairman John Podesta told reporters the time for talking about Sanders would be closer to the first debate...
election kim davis

Here’s The Lineup! 13 GOP Presidential Goofballs Issue Statements On Kim...

So bigoted and misguided Kentucky clerk Kim Davis is now in jail after refusing to follow the LAW OF THE LAND and issue marriage...
chinese people trump

WATCH: Donald Trump Saying ‘Listen You Mother F*ckers’ To The Chinese...

Let's take a walk down memory lane. A dirty little "Throwback Thursday" if you will. In a 2011 speech in Las Vegas, GOP front-runner Donald...
bernie sanders socialist

Are The Bernie Sanders And Donald Trump Phenomena Related?

Over the weekend, results of a recent poll conducted by the Des Moines Register and Bloomberg Politics showed both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders...

Bernie Sanders Supports A $15 Per Hour Living Wage

A group of progressive members of Congress introduced a $15 an hour national minimum wage bill on Wednesday as hundreds of federal contract workers...
Will Kim Vote For Clinton Should Kanye Commit To Run?

Kanye West For President – Did He Commit To 2020 Ballot?

I wonder what rapper Kanye West, President would be like? He declared he is running in 2020 during a speech at Sunday’s MTV Video...

Bernie Sanders: 6 Reasons To Vote For Me Instead Of Hillary

The poll numbers released over the weekend were good news indeed for Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. A new poll conducted by the Des...

Clinton Campaign Statement: It’s ‘Embarassing To Watch’ Donald Trump

What is it about Hillary Clinton staffer and campaign vice chairwoman Huma Abedin that attracts the weirdos? I've never in my many years of watching...