Tag: 2016 gop hopefuls

Ted Cruz Frightens 3-Year-Old In New Hampshire

We all know that Ted Cruz can be a scary guy. Just watching him as he gets wound up and starts to do his...

Scott Walker: Doing Away With Income Tax ‘Sounds Pretty Tempting’

If by chance Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker does indeed run for and win the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination, his Democratic opponent will be licking...

Rick Perry Expresses Concern Over Soviet-Era Iran, Uses Wrong Map

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is flexing his foreign policy muscle, presumably to show the world his "expertise" in anticipation of the 2016 presidential...

Does Scott Walker Even Know What The Words ‘Foreign Policy’ Mean?

Note to Scott Walker's advisors: In light of your candidate's repeated bizarre statements in recent weeks, it might be time to tell him that...

For A Doctor, Ben Carson Sure Does Seem Clueless At Times

Right up front, let me say that I greatly admire anyone who goes through what it takes to be a medical doctor. They endure...

Jeb Bush Profited By Peddling Risky Fracking In 2013

While he raises millions of dollars in campaign contributions in his quest for the 2016 GOP nomination for President, Jeb Bush is also facing...

Rand Paul Wants To Have His Cake And Eat It Too

// // Rand Paul has a problem: He really wants to run for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination, but if he does so he...

Scott Walker Punts On Having A Brain…Or An Opinion

Scott Walker learned nothing from Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal and their recent trips to Great Britain. He said he didn't want to make...

Gay Couple Owns Jebbushforpresident.com And Has Epic Plans For It

C. J. Phillips and Charlie Rainwater have a message for Jeb Bush: they own a domain name?he wants, and they don't plan to sell...

Jeb Bush — Pothead And Bully, What A SHOCK!

Just as George W. Bush had to overcome a less-than-savory past on his way to the GOP Presidential nomination in 2000, it now looks...

Here’s Proof Scott Walker Hates Education

One thing Scott Walker doesn't have to worry about is he will never be called the Education Governor. Walker's latest budget proposal would slash $300...

Donald Trump, Sarah Palin Join Forces To Teach Bill O’Reilly A...

Fox "News" anchor Bill O'Reilly aired a promotional ad recently predicting that Donald Trump and Sarah Palin were going to turn the 2016 GOP...

Lindsey Graham Asks Loretta Lynch: Why Is Gay Marriage OK, But...

If we needed another reason to prove why South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham will never be President--or even respected--he provided us with one yesterday...

Fox Tells Sarah Palin: Election Not Reality Show

  What is normally the stronghold of congenial xenophobic opinions, chauvinistic statements and twisted interpretations of fictitious factoids turned interesting this last Tuesday January 27th...

Indiana To Start Government Run News Site

No doubt the propagandists at Fox News will be shaking in their boots when they read this: the State of Indiana, under the watchful...

Rick Perry: Unemployment Rate Has Been ‘Doctored’

Former Texas Governor and probable 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Rick Perry is peddling conspiracy theories again. His latest involves the unemployment rate, which currently...

Possible Presidential Run For Gov. Christie: NJ Veteran Weighs In

Governor Chris Christie has launched a political action committee to appeal to conservative donors. The formation of this PAC is solid evidence that he...
ted cruz mitt romney

Ted Cruz Says Mitt Romney And George W. Bush Not Conservative...

Ted Cruz on Bush, Romney and ?Mushy? Moderates The verbal blows have begun as contenders step into the ring for the 2016 Republican presidential primary....