Tag: emails

NEW THEORY: Colin Powell Is HAPPY His Email Was Hacked? (TWEETS/VIDEO)

This person has an interesting take on Colin Powell and his email leak. https://twitter.com/jdeisenberg/status/776106997838073856 The Republicans, including their presidential nominee Donald Trump, have harped on Democratic...
Hillary Clinton

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Says Colin Powell Told Her To Use Private...

During this entire election season, Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, has been dogged for using a private email server when she was the Secretary...

FBI Sends Ominous Warning To GOP Congressional Members (VIDEO)

During this entire campaign, we have been hearing about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's email servers when she was Secretary of State. She used...

Trump’s Outrageously Impossible Claim That Hillary Got Iranian Scientist Killed (VIDEO)

“People are saying.” If there is any phrase of words that will remain in the psyche of people after the 2016 election, those will be...

Trump Calls Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Dangerous In Sneak Attack On...

  Donald Trump is again attacking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for being a security risk. However, this time he is taking a new...

Donald Trump Uses His Misogynistic Powers To Shut Up A Female...

Well, last week, Donald Trump was officially nominated for president from the Republican party. He had a press conference Wednesday morning. He made a ginormous...

Dear DNC: So What If Sanders Is Atheist? Or Jewish? Or...

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is against Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) and tried to use religion against him. Some of their emails were recently...

Boom! Hillary Clinton ‘Adamantly Opposed’ To Ignoring The First Amendment (VIDEO)

On Sunday night, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conducted his first joint news interview with her vice presidential nominee, Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) Reporter...

Shocker! Attorney General Lynch Removes Herself From Hillary Clinton Email Investigation...

After several days of heated criticism from  both sides of the political aisle due to a "meeting" between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former president...

Former Defense Secretary Defends Hillary Clinton’s Email Issue

During this entire campaign year, we have been hearing over and over about Hillary Clinton's emails. She was accused of sending out classified emails from her...
Flint residents showing Rick Snyder their tap water (image courtesy Ryan Garza, Detroit Free Press)

State Workers In Flint Got Clean Water Before Residents Did

For all intents and purposes, Rick Snyder's tenure as governor of Michigan may have ended on Thursday night. Via a raft of state emails, we...

Hillary Is Blowing Her Last Shot – And She May Need...

I've sat back, watching the circus unfold surrounding the supposed scandal with Hillary and the classified emails she allegedly had stored on her personal...

Attacking Hillary

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GOP Still Attempting To Destroy Hillary

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People Are Sending You Coded Email Messages. Yes, Really. But Why?

      Do we really mean what we say? In journalism, we practice deciphering what people really mean when they utter such benign statements as, ?An investigation...