Tag: gun nuts

Open-Carry Gun Goons In TX Schedule Home Depot Gun Protest

      Cue the martial music, the strutting in the surplus-store camo pants, and...
open-carry marine harassed

Open-Carry Gun Nuts Attempt To Intimidate Former Marine (VIDEO)

// // Probably the most uncomfortable lesson some leftists and liberals had to learn during the Vietnam War was to separate the soldiers from...
gun nut video

Gun Instructor Shows Dumb Gun Nuts How Not To Shoot (VIDEO)

This is an instructional video for the dumb gun nuts on your friends list. This gun instructor felt compelled to demonstrate how to shoot...

Gun Rights Letter From Rand Paul Has Shocking Lie And Obama...

In a move that shocks even the most cynical among us, a fundraising letter from the National Association for Gun Rights?was mailed out from...

New NRA Ad With Wayne LaPierre Encourages Fear And Paranoia (VIDEO)

Here is the latest NRA ad with the NRA doing what it does best: encouraging fear and paranoia. This "ad" is actually a Wayne...
Woman turns AK on boyfriend

This May Be The World’s Most Irresponsible Gun Owner (VIDEO)

You've just gotta love "responsible gun owners." This unbelievable video shows what is presumably a young couple who have had an awesome date at...

Pork-Laced Bullets Marketed As “Peaceful” Deterrent To Muslims

Nothing reveals Americans' xenophobia more than the emergence of pork-laced bullets known as Jihawg Ammo, intended to prevent Muslims from entering heaven.

President Obama Skeet Shooting Action Figure Now Available

Well, it was bound to happen? HeroBuilders.com, the company that builds infamous action figures of real-life folks, has built a series of quite hideous and...