Tag: interview

Trump: MSNBC Is Lying, I Did Not Say What You All...

A couple of days ago, Trump made a horrific comment during an interview on MSNBC with Chris Matthews. He said that abortions should be...

Colin Powell Claims GOP ‘Belittling’ Country, Points Toward Reagan Era For...

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell told Michael Martin on NPR's "All Things Considered," Sunday, the Republican Party has to "become more respectful of...

Bernie Sanders Spars With Chris Matthews During MSNBC Interview

Chris Matthews of MSNBC found himself interrogating Bernie Sanders Thursday night, when he had intended to interview him. Senator Sanders resonated with the college students...
Ben Carson

Ben Carson Calls Obama Naive On Foreign Policy

It’s not every day that one gets to hear a citizen, no matter how influential or powerful, use derogatory words to describe the most powerful character in the country and arguably, the world. "We're in a place where you use a jet plane as a missile to knock down buildings; where dirty bombs can be used to extinguish large numbers of people,"

Double Dunces: Palin And Trump Complain About Media’s ‘Gotcha Questions’ (Video)

When you put Sarah Palin and Donald Trump on the same TV screen, what do you get? Twice the ignorance and ego for the...

I Quit This Stupid Interview! Robert Downey Jr Walks Out On...

Robert Downey Jr. thought he was in London to promote his new movie The Avengers: Age Of Ultron,?which began its European premiere in London...
Reza Aslan.

Jaw-Droppingly Bigoted Interview On Fox Boosts Book Sales

How scholar Reza Aslan got grilled by Fox News' Lauren Green for writing about Jesus as a Muslim, and came out smelling like a rose.