Tag: Islam

Donald Trump

6 Trump Staffers Flaunt Their Bigotry And Racism On Social Media...

Anyone who has teenagers has likely admonished them with this warning: “Don’t say or do stupid things and then post them online.” Apparently that advice...

WATCH: Trump’s ‘Extreme Vetting’ A Perfect Example Of Extreme Bigotry And...

This week, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged to wage war against the "ideology of radical Islam." To combat this misleading threat, Trump promised...

‘We Blame Trump,’ Say Friends Of Murdered Muslims (VIDEO)

Words and actions have consequences. When Donald Trump whips up American fears about Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists, there are consequences. When he suggests that...
screengrab via Youtube

WATCH: First Female-Led Mosque Caters To Women’s Religious Needs

A female Imam has founded a women-led Mosque in Denmark. Sherin Khankan calls her feminist project 'Mariam Mosque.' An author and commentator, she came up with the...

Muslim-Americans Tell ISIS Where To SHOVE IT In A Most Creative...

The GOP has been going after Muslim terrorists for years. Fox News is filled with talk of ISIS and possible invasions. My conservative friends...

An Open Letter To Conservatives — This Anti-Liberal Meme Got To...

I saw a meme today and I don't usually react to memes. This one affected me. The fact that it had such an impact...

BREAKING: Pope Francis Says Catholicism Is Just As Violent As Islam

Pope Francis has pointed out to a group of reporters that people who carry out violent atrocities are just as likely to be members...

‘Low Energy’ Jeb Bush Finally Gets Animated To Condemn Trump’s Khan...

It seems unity is becoming quite a problem for Donald Trump. Many well known Republicans, including 'Low Energy' Jeb Bush, are speaking out against his latest...

Meet The Gay, Parisian Muslim Imam – Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed is Muslim, gay, and an imam. Zahed has been fighting against those who he believes have misconstrued passages in the Quran to...

Alabama Congressman Under Fire For Anti-Islamic Comment

In case my state didn't have enough scandals, a Congressman has created another one. Last week, Trevor Noah even talked about the scandals going...

USPS Unveils Islamic Stamps: Mail Carrier Threatens To Rip Up Mail...

In a great move, the United States Postal Service (USPS) unveiled a stamp celebrating two important Islamic festivals. There was a ceremony held for it...
islamic terrorism mass shooting christian terrorism

Right-Wingers Focus On Islamic Terrorism As If Christian Terrorism Doesn’t Exist...

While we are mourning the loss of 50 lives in the Pulse nightclub shooting, Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) is celebrating what he calls a victory in...

Why Do Republicans Think The Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’ Is So...

Yesterday, we woke up to news of the worst mass shooting in our country's history. Over 50 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando...

Islamic Charity Volunteers Feed Chicago Homeless People During Ramadan Fast

Muslims are celebrating Ramadan this month. Ramadan is the month where the Prophet Muhammad declared that the gates of Heaven would open and the...

Hypocrisy: Donald Trump Using Muhammad Ali’s Death For Political Gain (VIDEO)

On Friday, the city of Louisville, along with people from all over the country and all over the world, will come together to mourn...

Gen. Petraeus: Politicians ‘Toy With Anti-Muslim Bigotry’

Former CIA director General David Petraeus shared a message for the American people about what not to do in the fight against Islamic extremists. At...
Sikh Gurdwara in California

Can You Guess Why Sikh Man Was Detained 30 Hours?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_KC4Ww5mU Since the attacks on 9/11, Sikhs around the country have suffered intimidation or worse due to the ignorant prejudices of others. Daljeet Singh is...

Using The Quran To Prove That Islam As A Religion Of...

Many people falsely think that all Muslims are terrorists. Terrorists claim that the attacks in places like Brussels and Paris were justified by the...

BOOM! Rick Santorum Gets Schooled By Student On His Ignorance Of...

Rick Santorum is normally associated with his ridiculous views on issues of a personal nature (i.e. sexual preference and all things related to sex),...

Coming Soon To Your Neighborhood: FBI Seeking Volunteers To Ferret Out...

The name "Shared Responsibility Committees" -- SRCs for short -- sounds like something straight out of a George Orwell novel. It's actually what the FBI is calling...