Tag: Republicans

The Ballot is stronger than the bullet.

NC GOP Voter Laws Launch Fresh Assault On Voting Rights

It is time, past time, to drop the pretense that the Supreme Court didn't know what they were doing when they gutted the Voting Rights Act.
NOrth Carolina Voter ID Protests.

NC GOP Renews Assault On Voter Rights With Harsh New Voter...

Now that our conservative Supreme Court ruled part of the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional, North Carolina is free to pass discriminatory voter ID laws.

Carpetbagger Liz Cheney Betrays Family Friend By Running For His Senate...

It doesn't pay to make friends with the Cheney family. Just ask Texas attorney Harry Whittington, the man who was shot in the face...
Defeats for Progressives, Saturday July 13th.

The Main Reason Why Republicans Should Be Afraid. Very Afraid

This amazing map shows why Republicans should be afraid. They might continue dissing women and blacks, but they ignore Latinos at their peril.

Virginia Gun Rights Advocates Shoot Themselves In The Foot OP-ED

  Collecting data on innocent citizens for no actual reason is one thing, but collecting data on concealed carry owners because you want them to...

Washington Republicans Introduce Bill To Give Religious People The Right To...

We've all heard the rationalization for discrimination against LGBT people with regards to so-called "religious liberties." We all also know that if you replace...