Tag: Rick Snyder


How Bad Is Flint’s Water That This Tavern Starts Trading Booze...

Water in Flint, Michigan, has gotten so bad, one local tavern has taken to giving away free drinks for donations made in clean, drinkable...

Michigan Kicking Education To The Curb In Lame Duck Sessions

Let's play Legislative Whack-A-Mole! The Michigan Legislature has steadily been doing everything in their power to destroy the entire concept of public education over the...

Rick Snyder’s Massive Budget Debt Fallout: No Heat for Kids In...

It was reported last week that there was no heat in Durfee Elementary-Middle School in Detroit, MI. Students were released early on Wednesday, November...

‘Raise Michigan’ Hopes To Bump Minimum Wage

President Barack Obama will speak Wednesday at the University of Michigan on raising the federal minimum wage, but he'll soon find that Michigan workers...

One Naughty Nerd: Rick Snyder Revealed

Just in time to go with Rick Snyder's comeback kid campaign, some of the shadow government paid for by the defunct NERD fund has...

One Naughty Nerd

Just in time to go with Rick Snyder's comeback kid campaign, some of the shadow government paid for by the defunct NERD fund has...

Congratulations, Rick Snyder! Same Sex Marriage Is Legal In Michgan

Four years ago when Republican Governor Rick Snyder promised to reinvent the state of Michigan, it's hard to believe he would find such an...

Ted Nugent Piggybacks Infamous Tea Party in Desperate Cling to Fame

Ted Nugent is the new Danny Bonaduce, only not quite as charming. He's willing to do whatever it takes to let you know he's still...

Detroit Will Be Paying For School Bonds Until Year 2040

In the city of Detroit, Michigan, a school bond of $1.5 billion was voted for in 1994 that started a cascade of debt that...
Medicaid expansion supporters

Conservative Michigan Approved Medicaid Expansion In A Dramatic About-Face

Michigan is the 24th state to approve the Medicaid expansion. What's taking the other 26 so long?